Collection: Spiritual Mists & sprays

So I decided after extensive research on different essential oils & herbs know for specific spiritual/physical benefits, I have handmade (w/ A LOT of love & careful consideration) 3 mists (for now) to help raise the vibration of whatever it is you want or possibly lack.
The aromas produced by these sprays are going to help you manifest what you want. By cleansing the area, protecting yourself, and clearing your mind, you will have the best possible chance of manifesting what you desire.

Oasis of love spray* (infused w/ rose quartz/garnet gemstones+ clear quartz)
- intended to help attract love, enhance the atmosphere w/ ‘loving vibrations’, strengthen the connection of a existing relationship. Amazing floral flirty scent.
A few of the ingredients are rose, jasmine, love potion, cinnamon, patchouli
*Manifest Money/abundance Mist* (infused w/ green adventurine, citrine + clear quartz)
- attract money to yr pocket, wallets & bank accounts. Good luck in a spray bottle. Money magnet.
A few of the ingredients are money drawing power, basil, dill, cinnamon, gardenia, real dried 4 leaf clover.

*Stay woke spray* (infused w/ Lapis lazuli + clear quartz)
- in tune w/ intuition. Help spiritual awakening/unblocking 3rd eye chakra. Connect w/ higher self & spiritual gift(‘s)
Having a deeper Understanding & broader outlook on things
Some of the ingredients are lavender, lotus leaf, vision oil, patchouli, basil