Collection: Manifestation Candles

Candles are each made by hand so they won’t necessarily be the exact one in the picture, but it will be close. All candles are cleansed before I ship.

(+Includes Real Herbs & Essential Oils In Every Candle)

These are the different intentions my candles will help assist in making yr goals & wishes a reality 💛


• Attract abundance, good fortune, success & Obtaining Goals💰

• learning to love yourself, attract love or sexual energy. Reduced sadness from a broken heart. (Aid In unblocking heart chakra) 💟

•Enhance intuition, or any type of spiritual

Development; to gain a deeper understanding (aid in strengthening or unblocking  your 3rd eye).🕉

• lack of courage, anxiety, depression, anger &/or communication Problems are just a few other areas my candles can help. ( candle for every chakra)🌸


I mail a paper w/ your candle that you will need to complete the affirmation I begun for you.

‘ I am so happy & grateful now that ______’


(Feel free to use your own *present tense* written affirmation if you would prefer)


  **This is the step that causes most people falter, because in some cases It feels silly writing or saying something that g actually don’t yet believe—at least at a conscious level—is true. But remember, the purpose behind affirmations is to rewrite your subconscious mind.

Many holistic traditions suggest that if you act as if something is true, if you experience the feelings associated with the outcome that you want, the more likely it is for the outcome to materialize.**


I made sure to add all the right ingredients to each candle to blend & assist in your manifestation😊


Intentions: the more energy and focus on your desire, the better the results.

more work you put in to start the process,the easier the universe will have in executing your desires. When you set your intention, be as clear AND precise as possible.  money, what do you want the money for? If you want a job, why do you want this job? Be honest and transparent w/ yourself.

Love light & more love 🤍Third Eye Buy🤍